Finding your resources inside rather than outside will help break a cycle of insane hopes and deep disappointments. This mechanism works for everyone, is always available as long as we pay attention to a form of neutrality. Not rebalancing involves either suffering disappointments or throwing them back at others to feel less bad, which is just unnecessary
We have each experienced the cycles of life, the oscillation between the greatest development prospects and the most intense frustrations and disappointments. These two diagrams, the bottom and top of the cycle, detail the elements that make up these extremes in order to bring greater or even total stability to a fully conscious individual.
We have each experienced the cycles of life, the oscillation between the greatest development prospects and the most intense frustrations and disappointments. These two diagrams, the bottom and top of the cycle, detail the elements that make up these extremes in order to bring greater or even total stability to a fully conscious individual.
To complete the previous diagram, differentiate between self-love with ego and self-love with humility and compassion: the latter takes nothing from others, it shares with the other and even better, it can give to others so that others have the opportunity to know if they wish this love of themselves.
Being the parent of oneself is to become responsible for oneself and to love oneself with parental love, to want to bring this compassion, this tenderness that one generally gives to his descendants. So, once realized and applied to oneself, it comes naturally to treat others the same way: with responsibility and with compassion at the same time.
The work of realization is to gradually reveal reality as it is by removing the filter of the ego which lacks discernment and increases pretension. This work takes place with a distant acceptance of the outside world (norms, society, social life) and the inside world (self-perception, emotion the higher self) to unite and arrive at full acceptance and neutrality.
Realization or spiritual awareness covers both sides : the reality of what is in the outside world and the reality of what is in the inside world. Adjusting discrepancies between what you thought you were and what really is makes you suffer as long as you refuse reality. The observable chaos in the world is the consequence, it is not really chaos, but a painful alignment with reality.
The current governance system is worn out because it is unsuitable. An evolution would be possible for a long-term equilibrium, but it seems that its evolution only serves the imbalance. We must therefore rethink governance that puts the individual back at the center, gives them both greater scope and responsibility for his choices. Those who will have difficulty with this transition can count on the support of others.
The global format faces many difficulties and risks being modified in depth due to its heaviness and fragility. To ensure a transition as close as possible to everyone’s needs, it is useful to think of the future in terms of one’s free will, while respecting the free will of others. This is a freer, more responsible world, but also more flexible and adapted to large-scale change.
Managing the balances in our lives is more than ever necessary to face the world to come. Becoming aware of the energy that is part of our actions allows us to organize our own content, usefulness, balance and purpose to obtain a more harmonious whole. It is part of our evolution to become the energy conductor.