To improve our life situation and our emotional situation, it is possible to introduce a more neutral look on what surrounds us, ourselves and the others in order to generate a new breath which can bring from a delicate situation, to a much more positive state and finally to a neutrality which will make the person shine. Follow this gradual transition with these diagrams.
The word power in our society is generally associated with the concept of Domination. On events, on others, on decisions. Now it seems that part of the meaning of the word power is absent in the aspect of domination: it is the leverage effect. You can gain power without dominating anyone, using certain factors as leverage for more skills. And this is powerful.
There are two main reasons why we stay in a kind of group mentality, comfortable for everyday, but why ? A person’s ego and level of fear are the best predictors of group mentality. Following the group may seem safer than thinking for yourself, but has a number of harmful consequences for yourself and for society.
Are we going to go more towards a more interventionist period or a more human alternative ? It seems that the two opposing tendencies clash so much that one can almost compare this choice between the Feudal period of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period.
The accumulation of technological innovations and their growing use in society no longer gives time to implement them by minimizing their risks and their combined risks, as was the case before. By eliminating the observation and adjustment phases, we run the risk of multiplying the uncertainties by other uncertainties and thus participating in the propagation of an unmanageable chaos.
For the sake of performance, we opted for better time management in order to be able to do more, we filled our agendas, both professional and personal, in this frantic race, often to the point of stress, sometimes to the point of burnout. Faced with the consequences, it appeared the need to manage our energy more than our time, which is progress, but do we use energy for its primary reason or to always do more?
The evolution of life is done like a treadmill, the same length of treadmill is always available, but in order to evolve towards something new, you have to accept that part of the space will disappear and therefore give up certain habits, at our convenience. Thus, the vacated place will unfold naturally with other capacities, functions and awareness more adapted. We cannot fear this process.
Our creativity and our ability to solve problems in an innovative way comes partly from our consciousness, but especially from our unconscious. And so few people use the factors of the unconscious, while they prove to be fabulous tools, they are the origin of new thoughts, we can practice them to create and then let the conscious organize the whole.
This is a fundamental question in our time and it is important to be able to situate yourself personally: we hear everywhere that the world is changing and that we have to adapt. Certainly. However, the demand for adaptation is associated in its nature more to follow-up than to a thoughtful adjustment : transformation should not be done at our own long term expense, otherwise it is follow-up: it is important to use our free will in this choice.
Times can be hard in the outside world and its most unforgiving elements reach us internally, to the point of making our lives harder : at this time including more comfortable, personal, joyful or more internal elements makes it possible to mitigate the harshness of the world without the need to deny it.