Realization or spiritual awareness covers both sides : the reality of what is in the outside world and the reality of what is in the inside world. Adjusting discrepancies between what you thought you were and what really is makes you suffer as long as you refuse reality. The observable chaos in the world is the consequence, it is not really chaos, but a painful alignment with reality.
The current governance system is worn out because it is unsuitable. An evolution would be possible for a long-term equilibrium, but it seems that its evolution only serves the imbalance. We must therefore rethink governance that puts the individual back at the center, gives them both greater scope and responsibility for his choices. Those who will have difficulty with this transition can count on the support of others.
The global format faces many difficulties and risks being modified in depth due to its heaviness and fragility. To ensure a transition as close as possible to everyone’s needs, it is useful to think of the future in terms of one’s free will, while respecting the free will of others. This is a freer, more responsible world, but also more flexible and adapted to large-scale change.
Managing the balances in our lives is more than ever necessary to face the world to come. Becoming aware of the energy that is part of our actions allows us to organize our own content, usefulness, balance and purpose to obtain a more harmonious whole. It is part of our evolution to become the energy conductor.
As in the past, this new era, which is opening, will be accompanied by the necessary tools at our disposal or which can be created or adapted for the occasion. But it seems that the tools of a global world will be less and less efficient, so we can use more local, internal and spiritual tools to continue on our path.
In the change of our bad habits, it is not useful to reach a perfection from the start, but to start to improve. The radical vision of wanting to change everything at once is far too great of a fight against oneself to be effective. We divide our energy to fight, while applying self-love, the progressive results will be lasting.
The reality of facts is a form of safety rail that allows you to move in a little dangerous area of life. If you choose to ignore the facts for a while, mechanically, the safety rail weakens until it disappears. There, we can experience major difficulties, even sink into extremes or madness. It is important to look at the facts for personal gain, even those which displease us, they are here to teach us something.
Often criticized, the 1%, the most powerful, are the subject of permanent attention. The more the 99% pay attention to the 1%, the less the 99% use their energy to improve the lot of the 99%. Thus, by changing the destination of their energy, the 99% can develop mutual aid and new collaborations between them, which will increase their power and de facto will decrease the grip of the 1%: being indifferent is the key!
So many people, especially in these uncertain times, express dissatisfaction with power. Both through lack of results or a feeling of heaviness, they criticize and oppose established powers. This unfortunately strengthens powers, by their means of reaction. Choosing a form of independence from power is likely to weaken the one who is “higher”, because fewer people admire its power, to the point of losing the ground.
The risk too often observable when stopping an addiction is to transfer the lack to one or more other forms of addiction. The problem frankly improves only if the person begins to take pleasure in a new activity which generates enough dopamine so as not to undergo a compensating effect of one addiction by another.